Tune in today to learn more about their experiences, challenges, and successes in bridging the gap between imagination and implementation
Welcome to our Talent Talks Podcast Summer Series, “The Key Roles of Visionaries and Integrators,” featuring the dynamic duo themselves, Bryan and Stephanie Neale from Blind Zebra.
In this episode, we delve into the powerful collaboration between visionaries and integrators within the EOS®️ community. Visionaries, fueled by their creative minds, have the ability to conceive groundbreaking concepts. They see the big picture and inspire others with their forward-thinking ideas. However, it is the Integrators who possess the unique skill set to transform those visionary ideas into actionable plans.
Whether you are a visionary seeking to enhance your execution skills or an integrator looking for inspiration, this podcast provides a wealth of knowledge and inspiration.
Refreshing perspectives and practical expertise from the Titus team.
Committed To Radical Generosity
Our dedication to radical generosity keeps us focused on what matters most, and it allows us to make a trusted and lasting impact on the world around us. It’s the foundation of our culture and our partnerships.