How to Spot an A-Player in 30 Minutes 

September 19, 2024

Matt Gainsford

Matt Gainsford

Spotting an A-player in 30 minutes is entirely feasible with the right approach. Dive into our blog to learn our top tips.


The search for an A-player can feel like hunting for a needle in a haystack. With resumes that blur into one another and interviews that sometimes reveal little beyond polished responses, how can you identify that rare gem who’ll shine brightly in your organization? The answer lies in your ability to spot potential, drive, and fit within a tight window. Here’s how to identify a high-performing candidate in just 30 minutes. 

Motivation is Everything: Ask Insightful Behavioral Questions 

  • The Problem: Standard questions often lead to standard answers, which can be unhelpful in distinguishing truly exceptional candidates. 
  • What You Can Do: Dive deeper with behavioral questions that uncover how candidates handle real-world scenarios. Instead of asking, “What are your strengths?” ask, “Tell me about a time you overcame a major challenge at work.” Look for answers that demonstrate problem-solving skills, resilience, and innovation. 

Harvard Business Review study found that behavioral interview questions are 55% more effective at predicting future job performance than traditional questions. 

Evaluate Their Problem-Solving Skills 

  • The Problem: Interviews often focus on what candidates have done, rather than how they think and approach problems. 
  • What You Can Do: Present candidates with a real or hypothetical problem related to the role. Observe their problem-solving process—how they analyze the situation, brainstorm solutions, and weigh their options. A-Players will approach the situation methodically and creatively, showing a deep understanding and resourcefulness. 

McKinsey & Company reports that 70% of top performers excel in problem-solving and analytical thinking, which are critical for high-impact roles. 

Assess Cultural Fit and Team Dynamics 

  • The Problem: Skills and experience are crucial, but if a candidate doesn’t mesh well with your company culture, their impact will be limited. 
  • You Can Do: Assess how well candidates align with your company’s values and culture. Ask questions about their preferred work environment, teamwork experiences, and values. Please note how their responses align with your organization’s culture and whether they exhibit traits that support a positive and collaborative work environment. 

A staggering 46% of new hires fail within the first 18 months (according to LinkedIn) due to poor cultural fit, underscoring the importance of alignment. 

Observe Their Communication Skills 

  • The Problem: Effective communication is often overlooked but is critical for collaboration and leadership. 
  • What You Can Do: Notice how candidates articulate their thoughts, listen to feedback, and converse. A star employee will communicate confidently, and respectfully, and will also demonstrate active listening and engagement. 

It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it… Forbes reports that strong communication skills are a top predictor of job performance and are essential for 85% of jobs requiring significant collaboration. 

Test for Enthusiasm and Passion 

  • The Problem: Enthusiasm and passion can be subtle and easily missed, but they often differentiate star employees from the rest. 
  • What You Can Do: Gauge their enthusiasm for the role and the company. Ask why they’re interested in the position and what excites them about the industry. Two great questions are: when was the last time you achieved something deeply meaningful? And “What project or achievement are you most proud of and why? Look for candidates who are not only passionate about their work but also show genuine enthusiasm for your company’s mission and goals.  

Gallup survey found that engaged employees are 17% more productive and 21% more profitable, highlighting the value of passion in driving performance. 

Look for Evidence of Initiative and Self-Improvement 

  • The Problem: A-Players often go beyond their job descriptions and actively seek growth opportunities, but this trait can be hard to spot without the right questions. 

LinkedIn reports that employees who proactively seek growth opportunities are 30% more likely to be high performers. 

  • What You Can Do: Inquire about how candidates have taken initiative in their previous roles. Ask about times they sought additional responsibilities, pursued professional development, or contributed beyond their core duties. This can reveal their drive, ambition, and commitment to continuous improvement. 

Analyze Their Achievement Stories (this ties in with question 5). 

  • The Problem: Candidates may list impressive achievements, but without context, it’s hard to gauge their impact. 

Harvard Business Review found that candidates who provide specific examples of achievements are 40% more likely to be high performers. 

  • What You Can Do: Dig into the details of their past accomplishments. Ask about specific projects or initiatives they led or contributed to, and request quantifiable results. Look for evidence of significant impact, innovation, and leadership. 

Test Their Adaptability 

According to Deloitte, adaptable employees are 25% more effective in rapidly changing environments. 

  • The Problem: The ability to adapt is crucial for thriving in dynamic environments, but it can be overlooked in traditional interviews. 
  • What You Can Do: Explore how candidates handle change and uncertainty. Ask about times they had to adapt to new situations or pivot strategies. Look for candidates who demonstrate flexibility, resilience, and a positive attitude toward change. 

Check Their References 

  • The Problem: References can sometimes be misleading, either overly positive or not entirely honest. 
  • What You Can Do: Use references to validate the insights gained during the interview. Ask specific questions about the candidate’s performance, work ethic, and interpersonal skills. Look for consistent feedback that aligns with your observations.  

SHRM research shows that 78% of employers report that reference checks provide valuable insights into a candidate’s fit and performance. 

Use The Predictive Index for Deeper Insights 

Companies that use the Predictive Index (PI) report a 30% increase in hiring accuracy and a 15% reduction in turnover, thanks to the enhanced alignment between candidates’ profiles and job requirements. 

  • The Problem: Traditional interviews and resumes often fail to provide a comprehensive understanding of a candidate’s fit for the role and your company. 
  • What You Can Do: Integrate tools like Predictive Index (PI) into your hiring process. The Predictive Index provides data-driven insights into candidates’ behavioral tendencies and cognitive abilities. By assessing traits such as drive, attention to detail, and problem-solving style, you can better predict how candidates will fit into your team and handle the role. 

Consider pushing pause on an interview until the candidate has completed the assessment. Based on the candidate’s answers, PI will generate a list of tailored questions designed to give you specific insight into how the candidate operates. 

Trust Your Instincts (but be wise) 

Forbes suggests that 70% of hiring managers believe intuition combined with structured interviewing, leads to better hiring decisions.  

  • The Problem: Over-relying on structured assessments can sometimes overshadow gut feelings about a candidate. 
  • What You Can Do: After gathering all the data, trust your instincts about whether the candidate feels like a good fit. Your intuition, combined with objective criteria, can be a powerful tool in identifying an A-Player. Be careful to watch your confirmation bias. Yes, lean into the gut feeling but ensure you are choosing curiosity over judgment. 

The Wrap Up 

Spotting an A-player in 30 minutes is entirely feasible with the right approach. By focusing on insightful questions, problem-solving skills, cultural fit, communication, and other key factors, you can quickly identify candidates who have the potential to excel in your organization. Leveraging tools like Predictive Index further refines your ability to match candidates’ profiles with role requirements. 

At Titus Talent, we specialize in optimizing recruitment processes and using advanced tools to help you identify and attract top talent efficiently. By employing these strategies, you can make the most of every interview and bring top performers who align with your vision, values, and culture, into your team. It’s all about quality Talent and lasting impact. 

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