Rethinking Resume Gaps – How to Spot and Hire Top Talent 

August 27, 2024

Matt Gainsford

Matt Gainsford

What are they hiding? Where were they? What were they up to? I must admit, I don’t have a good feeling about this candidate... Dive into our blog to learn why not all resume gaps are a negative thing.

resume gaps titus talent strategies

For 54% of employers resume gaps are still too much of a red flag; a guaranteed journey from the desk to the trash can. Obviously, anyone with gaps on their resume can’t be trusted and must have been fired or let go for poor performance (or they were too entitled to function within their team). This is an unspoken narrative many subscribe to, but have you ever really given it much thought?  

We’re seeking answers—answers that help us avoid bad hires, shine a light on the unknown, dispel our fears, and challenge our assumptions; answers that lead us to exceptional hires. Consider us your guide on the treacherous journey of navigating resume gaps. 

Traditional career trajectories are becoming less common, and resume gaps are more prevalent than ever before. As hiring managers, recruiters, and business leaders, it is crucial to adapt our perspectives on these gaps, recognizing that they are not inherently negative. Instead, they can signify resilience, growth, and diverse experiences that could greatly benefit your organization. In this blog, we’ll explore how to approach resume gaps with curiosity and insight, ensuring you don’t miss exceptional talent.  

The pandemic and years of layoffs are causing us to rethink career gaps. Everyone has a story and understanding that story is the key to painting a clear picture of the candidate you’re exploring. 

Shifting the Paradigm: Understanding Resume Gaps 

Resume gaps can occur for various reasons, from personal growth and caregiving responsibilities to travel and career transitions. Unfortunately, many hiring managers still view these gaps as red flags. According to a 2022 LinkedIn survey, 60% of job seekers have taken a career break at some point. Ignoring candidates with resume gaps means potentially overlooking a significant portion of the talent pool. 

The Power of Curiosity: Asking the Right Questions 

To understand the story behind a resume gap, it’s essential to approach the candidate with genuine curiosity and empathy. Here are five questions that can help you get to the heart of their journey: 

Can you tell me more about your career break and what you gained from that experience? 

  • This question allows candidates to share their stories, highlighting personal growth, new skills, and insights gained during their time away from traditional employment. 

What motivated you to take a break, and how has it influenced your professional goals? 

  • Understanding the motivation behind the break can provide insight into the candidate’s values, priorities, and long-term aspirations. 

Did you engage in professional development or learning activities during your time away? 

  • This question uncovers any proactive efforts the candidate made to stay engaged with their industry or develop new skills. 

How do you feel your experiences during the gap have prepared you for this role? 

  • This encourages candidates to connect their experiences directly to the position they are applying for, highlighting the relevance of their break. 

What challenges did you face during your career break, and how did you overcome them? 

  • This question provides a glimpse into the candidate’s problem-solving abilities and resilience, qualities that are valuable in any role. 

Staying Vigilant: Identifying Red Flags 

While it’s important to remain open-minded, it’s equally crucial to identify potential red flags. Here are three questions that can help you navigate this balance without violating HR laws: 

Can you explain any discrepancies or short tenures in your employment history? 

  • This question allows candidates to clarify potential concerns and provides context for short job stints. 

How do you stay updated with industry trends and developments during your career break? 

  • A candidate who remained engaged with their field during their break is more likely to be current with industry standards and expectations. 

What have you learned about your professional strengths and weaknesses through your career journey, including your break? 

  • This question assesses the candidate’s self-awareness and ability to reflect on their experiences constructively. 

The Case for Embracing Resume Gaps 

By shifting our mindset about resume gaps, we open the door to a broader, more diverse talent pool. The good news, this is happening. While we mentioned 54% of employers still consider resume gaps a red flag, 46% don’t, which is up from 38% in 2021. Research from the Harvard Business Review suggests that candidates with non-linear career paths bring unique perspectives and problem-solving abilities, often resulting in higher levels of innovation and adaptability within teams. Additionally, embracing candidates with resume gaps can contribute to a more inclusive workplace culture, reflecting a commitment to diversity and flexibility. 

The Wrap Up 

Resume gaps are not a liability; they are a testament to the richness of human experience. By asking the right questions and keeping an open mind, hiring managers and business leaders can tap into a wealth of untapped potential. The future of work is diverse, flexible, and ever-evolving. Embrace it. Partner with Titus Talent Strategies, and let’s build the future of your workforce together. 

Partnering with Titus Talent Strategies 

Don’t let resume gaps cloud your judgment. Reach out to Titus Talent Strategies today, and let’s redefine what it means to be an exceptional candidate. Together, we can build stronger, more diverse teams that drive innovation and success. Embrace the potential behind every career journey and discover the incredible talent waiting to join your organization. 

At Titus Talent Strategies, we understand the value of looking beyond the surface. Our people-first approach ensures that we recognize and celebrate the diverse experiences and backgrounds of all candidates. By partnering with us, you can be confident that we’ll help you uncover the hidden gems, those candidates whose unconventional paths have equipped them with the resilience, creativity, and skills needed to thrive in today’s workplace. 

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